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Aquamans Zucchini tips for the day


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Hi Folks,

Just thought I'd share my little BN zucchini preparation technique.

I'll usually blanch an entire zucchini, then I freeze the round slices in a little lunchbox in the freezer. My special trick is that I seperate the zucchini pieces by using thin plastic strips (cut from an ice cream container) so I can easily grab them when in a hurrry...

Hope that's useful to someone.



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This may seem like a naive question but how long do you blanch the zucchini for and how long do you leave them in the tank.

I have been feeding my bristlenose cucumber (unblanched) which they seem to enjoy but after 24hrs it tends to dissolve and cause waste in the tank.


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depends on the vege? and preferrence. i like to throw a whole zuccini in boiling water for about 5 min or till it has softened the scin and is still a little firm (raw) on the inside? otherwise i find if i boil it to much it makes more mess.

pumpkin is boiled for about the same as if too soft makes a huge mess.

broccoli stems are great too as they seem to not be as messy as the others ive mentioned. and as for how long do you leave it in the tank for, just try and work out howmuch your fish are eating, in say 12 hour period of the vege of prefference and just put in that amount at each time you want to feed them the vege.?


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Thanks Alan, however I can't claim full credit for that one - my wife came up with the idea when I needed a solution to my zucchini dilema...a smart girl my wife! tongue.gif



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Hi all.

I just started to ues vegies like pumkin and zucchini with my Clowns and BN Cats. They love it!!! I Know what you mean buy unwanted mess in the tank but i think we should all eat alot of vegies. no2.gif

PS. All the tank mates get into it. Even my Blue Rams..


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