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Venustus with odd wound.


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Just today I noticed on my almost fully grown venustus an ugly looking bulge just under its top fin. On one side of the fish the area is a bulge with veins. The other side it seems the fishes scales have been opened out and it looks as if there are some smallish clear eggs(2-3).

Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

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i had a venustus that was a full grown male it had a buldge on its side as well but towards the bottom of its stomache i wasnt to sure what was wrong with it but the only comclusion i cam eup with was that it may hav swollowed a peice of gravel eventually the wound got bigger until it was opening up and the scales came off it and the fish eventually had died... not sure if it was any help but umm if its possible maybe yrs to swolloed gravel.... just a guess tho might not even be anything like that


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