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gold spot pleco


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Anyone kept gold spot plecos before and if so, what did you think of them? I am thinking about getting one for my 4 foot tank but am not sure how it will go with the common bristlenose I have in there or how quickly it will grow and to what size. Also, are they aggressive at all to other fish? Will be doing an internet search for more info but I find that the best advice is usually from others who have had first hand experience with them.

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I have two in a 3foot by 3foot corner tank, they are in with tetras, bristle nose, hoplo's, glass cats and pakistani loaches. These fish shown no aggresion at all towards each other or other tank mates. Mine are about 8 inches long. They are an extremely good alternative to the common pleco, although i dont know if they will live as well in hard alkali water as they do in soft acidic water. The only down fall i see with them is that they are shy, i walk upto the tank and they dissappear and will not come out for a minute or two.

Anyhow, hope this is of use to you,


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I have a gold spot pleco with 2 bristlenose in my 4.5ft custom.

In my experience they are very easy going tankmates with the BN. They are much shyer than the common brown spot I have and much less agressive, so much so I had to take the brown spot out. Now it's just the gold spot and bristle noses they get on fine.

My bristle noses are mature, something like 10cm head to tail and the gold spot slightly larger.

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I have a gold spot pleco in my Tanganyikan tank. There are also 2 other plecos in the tank with 4 bristle nose. None of the plecos even recognise their presence and have never shown aggresion towards any other fish but each other (Still very mild aggresion). I agree with Mianos that they are more shy than alot of other plecos but are still out going enough to be seen. They are a beautiful pleco. The gold spots are very striking and contrast well with the rest of their body. A thumbs up in my eyes and experience thumb.gif.

Anthony cool.gif

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if you got a nice home for him, go for it?add a little wood (if you dont already have some)as they like to graze a little on it,they do get large and will be a bit of a guts at dinner time once hes lareger then the others.there a great fish to add to any comm tank. cheers.

ben. thumb.gif

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