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Can someone identify this fish please?


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I was just wanting to know what type of fish this is. It was sold as a pink peacock. It is not an albino , as it doesn't have red/pink eyes. I have had it in a display tank for some time now and just thought it was about time to see if I can have it identified.

user posted image

Hopefully someone will know what it is, and my curiosity can be satisfied.



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I couldnt access the photo page wouldnt open blink.gif

Description you give sounds like Aulonocara marigold, also sold as Pink Peacock or pinkowski...

Origin unknown possibly line bred to get the colour but most likely line bred fom a hybrid to keep the Aulonocara shape same as the marble peacock.


Finally accessed the pic, PC is running slow tonight laugh.gif

Its a Female marigold, males have long pointed anal fins.

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I think it mgith be a labiochromis white just like a labiochromis yellow(electrci yellow) except it is white. I have seen a couple of these for sale but not many.

To my knowledge there are no True white Labs. in Aust. (would love to be corrected though) Most that are around the place are just poor coloured yellows

being fobbed off as something else. HTH

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I'm with Mark, too. Except up here in Qld, i haven't seen them called marigolds. Some old timers will remember them as Pinkowski peacocks, named after Henry Pinkowski, a NSW breeder.

Albino E. Yellows are being bred here now.

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Meredith, I seriously doubt it. rolleyes.gif

While on the subject, I cannot see why anyone would try to produce albino yellows. The yellow is why they are a nice fish laugh.gif

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