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P. Polleni with Tangs?


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hi im thinking of putting some P.Polleni, in with some tangs (fronnies, altos, furcifers, tropheus), im aware that these fish both live in different water paramaters, So im kinda of making a comprimise environment for the fish, which consists of coral sand, with driift wood and java fern and plenty of rocks. Just wondering if anyone has kept this type of combination togther beofore?

I aware that the polleni might not show its best colour, cause they prefer water to be softer and more acidic. But in terms of aggressiveness, will they get along?

The tank size is 8x2x2, and the polleni is around 5-6cm, and tangs range from 5-20cm.

I mainly want a display tank, with a few more peacuful americans, and africans. Does this spell disater, or can it be done.

Any help would be appreicated


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I wouldn't try it. Also fishie4me is right about the tropheus. Just stick to africans i would say...there is no need to put americans and the like in the tank. There are plenty of malawis that will go fine in there.



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I agree with the others about the tropheus but if you want something different why not try parrot cichlids. They like a higher ph than normal americans, well i think they do, and they are a very pretty fish with the female having more colour than the male and they grow quite large. I have some in with my malawis and dont have a problem.

Here is a photo.

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Hi Nick,

You have been fed some bad info. Water parameter wise they can exist quite happily together. P. polleni can be kept in up to pH 9.04 They will even breed at that level. Check Cichlid News™ Volume 12 (1) January 2003 page 31.

They have spawned from pH 7.0 - pH 9.04 according to the author of the article (Uwe Werner). He kept his at pH 8.2, 19°dGH and 14°dKH and 25.5°C. Just make sure you acclimatise them slowly, maybe by raising their pH over about 4 weeks till it matches the Tangs tank then transferring them.

But as fishie4me said dietary constraints are another matter.

They wont eat flake food when they get bigger but you might be able to get away with feeding some type of goldfish pellet, e.g Hikari Goldfish Wheat-Germ™ which has only 32% protein. I'm sure your tropheus could handle something like that. I fed those particular pellets to my breeding pair of polleni as the base food (with other supplements) and they didnt suffer.

Good luck


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well the water will be neutral, probablly slightly harder from the coral sand, but i have plants and drift wood, to help balance things out.

Im hoping since the polleni are only young, that it may be much easier to acclimatise. I just hope they arent too agressive, for the tangs. Its a big tank, but im willing to give it a shot.


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Hi Nick,

I've kept a few polleni's and have never had problems with other species in the same tank, even at a tenth the size. So saying it is always a good idea not to tempt a cichlid with a fish that will fit in its mouth. Polleni get a bad wrap in my opinion. I don't think they are terribly aggresive.


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