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Woo hoo - my bristlnose are spawning again


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What a great feeling - just had to share woot.gif

These guys have spawned for me before (when I wasn't trying to breed them) but now they're in their own tank. I'd been feeding them heaps and had nothing - couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.

A big thanks to Brian who after seeing my setup gave me the tip that my caves were too open. I've closed the gaps on the caves and bang - 2 spawnings withing one week!



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Well done Richard clap.gif , you'll have them crawling all over that tank soon , trust me ..lol.. thumb.gif

Lepperfish :

at 4-5 cm you should be at least starting to see some decent sized bristles on the males nose however females can get some bristles but usaualy only a few round the top lip , i have found that it's best to have a ratio of 2-3 males per female as it's the males that do the fanning of the eggs and often the female will lay twice before the first lot are free swimming so the male tries to go between the 2 ...or more ... busy boy ..!!! , you may have 2 girls if you have no signs of bristles happening . Cheers Brian .

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Thanks guys - I know that BN's aren't all that glamorous however they just had me stumped as to why they weren't breeding...funny how such a small thing can make such a big impact (size of the opening for their cave).

I'm now starting to think of how to mass produce them, I'm sure that now they've started they won't stop laugh.gif I'm also sure I won't have a problem getting rid of the fry.

First time I've seen you post on the forum Brian - good to see! Share that knowledge around mate smile.gif



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Can't say I agree with Brian and his ratio of males to females.

Ancistrus are harem spawners and will mate with as many females as he can entice into his cave. Three or four females at the same time is quite common.


I have been keeping records on Bristle Nose for over thirty years, and in my experience females spawn , on average, every 40 days.

I set my B/N up in colonies of 15 females and 5 males and expect about 4,000 fry per year from each tank.


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Wow - 4,000 fry per tank per year woot.gif

What sized tank do you do that in Alan?

Do you try to get different bloodlines or just grow up your fry and add them back into the colony?



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