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Whats your worst fish keeping experience?


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Well i know none of us like to talk about our worst experiences keeping fish...as it only makes us weep even more..but come on!..You can share it on this post!

Mine would have to be when i went on holidays to Melbourne for 1 week and came back with my whoel display tank dead due to insufficient oxygen in the tank..Lost quite afew valuble fish..including breeding pairs of calvus..frontosa..etc.. sadsmiley02.gif

Oh yes..and theres also that time where i did a water change and went to grab lunch forgetting about the tank..came back and the tank was 3/4 empty and the floor was soaked!



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ive posted this before,but my worst expierience is , my percula clownfish spawned and just before the eggs wre due to hatch the bottom of the tank cracked spewing salt water over 2 airpumps which promptly caught fire, the tank was 3 months old, i contacted the lfs and they said" no worries drop it in and well get it fixed for you" to which i replied"#@!**F**&^%$" the tank came very close to getting launched through their window- but im over it now mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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i came home from work one day walked in to my living room to find a tank full of dead fish.included in these fish were 1 8 inch tiger shovelnose 1 fifteen inch clownknife and 3 massive silver dollars the only thing to mAKE it through were my 10.00 pair of oscars what troopers they were floating on thier sides when i walked in but when they saw me they went hes got food and righted themselves what characters.

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Mine was when i was doing a waterchange on my 4ft and i thought oh this is gonna take a long ime, i went up and started playing a Computer game an totally forgot about the waterchange then i went down and the water was gone, he fish that died were a couple of 5cm e.yellows, few community fish, a few BN etc

i was so wee wEEed!!!

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