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requests for photos


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Hi All -

As most of you know I am in the midst of a upgrade of the SCP gallery. I'm scrounging around for some photos here's my wish list smile.gif. If you can help me fill it in I'd be most appreciative:

Aulonocara's (any though must have morph name)

Mbuna (the newish ones - I have lots of photos of more common mbuna)

South American dwarfs (any and all shots of Apistogramma/Nanacara etc)

orange Chromides (wild form or xanthistic type)


Corydoras? (would welcome photos of these cute little dudes - catfish folk seem to forget you can import this GENUS!)

any other species - except bristlenoses :D!

Non-cichlid tropicals:

Just about any / all freshwater tropicals that arent cichlids.

If you have any of these photos and you dont mind me using them in the new SCP gallery. Please email them or post in this thread. If you are kind and handy with photoshop the following spec's save me considerable time:

1. photo has fishname

2. photo has your (or photographer) name

3. photo is reduced to ~ 640x480 pixels in size or smaller

4. photo is < 50k in size.

Thanks in advance wink.gif

Dave aka

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Hi Guys -

Blake - demasoni recieved and added. Excellent photo!

Budi -

Thanks - as always your photos are fabulous. I'm thinking of setting up a planted tank next to the computer and I'm definately going to keep some Corys!

Also: Your bubble shots will be in a separate part of the gallery. Wallpapers for download.

The gallery goes live in 10ish days and I have quite a few photos still to add!

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Hi Cirulis -

Thanks!! Fantastic shots. I've added the lwanda & rainbows (I have a few shots of the other species). Thanks for sharing - they go live December 15 in the NEW Galleria Cichlidae

Cheers smile.gif


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Hi Guys -

Thanks for all the photos they are fantastic!

Still looking for photos of:

dwarf cichlids (SA & WAfrican)


community species (non-cichlid)

central/south american cichlids

rarer Haps, Aulonocara, Protomelas etc.

If you have any you don't mind using please post them up and this thread and I'll add them to the gallery!

I'll post up a more specific list of requests tonight smile.gif

Cheers -


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user posted image

Parachromis dovii (female)

user posted image

P dovii (male)

user posted image

Clarias gariepinnus (not mine, and yes I know these are noxious, well not thi exact spp)

user posted image

user posted image


user posted image

user posted image

Petnia splendida

user posted image

user posted image

G brachybranchus

user posted image

Panaque nigrolineatus var (broken line)

Alex Kantor.

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