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Kribs, Rams & Bolivian Butterflies?


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Please excuse my ignorence, but can Kribs, Blue Rams and Bolivian Butterflies live happily together?

My Christmas project is a 3ft tank I bought back in May (yes, I've been itching to get this up and running) I have some Blue Rams and I know they will get along with the bolivian butterflies. But I was at the LFS the other day and found some ablino kribs and fell in love with them.

If they will get along, my plan is to have well planted tank (crypts, anubius and java ferns) with possibly 2 pairs of each. I'm not intending for them to breed, but if they do, Bonus!

Cheers, Cassandra

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The different rams may head butt each other a little but if they are healthy fish they will be fine in my experience. (Then after some time the blue rams will die but they do that regardless of the presence of tank mates).

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Cassandra -

Normal rams (ie: blue or gold) are picky little critters who tend to die if you look at them wrong smile.gif.

Bolivians are great fish. In a 4' tank you could keep a pair of bolivians and a pair of something relatively peaceful (keyholes?). Make sure it is densely planted and you have lots of logs, caves etc for cover.

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