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Calvus: how many in a colony?


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Hey Krusty, depends on what the other species is I guess. I've got a 6*2*2 with I'm guessing at least 30 ranging from juvies to adults. I've also got a dozen small multi cats and twenty or thirty praecox rainbows. It works for me. I might cut back on a few of the calvus though..it seems like they are just a little cramped...

I'd probably put in a dozen if they are small and you are growing them up other than that it'll be a bit of an experiment!!

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Hi -

Calvus are pair formers... so two in a colony is the answer your are after. Doesnt seem like the best fish to have in a "school" to me.

Add 6 wait for a pair to form - then get rid of the rest and get some real colony formers.

Cyps might be a good bet :D!


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Hey Justin,

That`s a good size tank for them. You could keep up to 8 adults, 2 males 6 females if you wanted, IMO. Remember the females can be just as aggressive towards each other as the males, especially at spawning time.

If you keep a couple of males try to place their caves at opposite ends of the tank and they should stay out of each others way, the females will hang in the middle and at spawning time will pick a male. Thats the way it works with mine anyway.

Its always best to get as many juv`s as you can afford and grow them up together, some are bound to die, some may not turn out to be attractive fish and you always want more females. You can always sell the excess once you have selected your optimal colony.



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Have you bred Altolamprologus before Yew????

From my experience they are far more happy in colonies comprising of a single male and mutiple females.

I use barnicle shells and may have 3 females at a time with eggs in the one barnicle clump.



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Hi Efc -

Nope - but I have kept them. Mine formed a nice pair and got along well... In saying that though they were in a 2' by 18" x 20" tank so perhaps more fish would have been a bad idea. I ended up selling them simply cause they didnt breed (despite spending much time in their pot! LOL!).

I've certainly never considered keeping them (or any other cave spawning lamprologine - (except brichardi types) in colony smile.gif - but I'm prepared to be convinced it is a good idea if you all think so :D!

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Sorry for my poorly worded response. They are fine as a pair but equally happy in a group. I've also seen the goldhead comps spawn 3 up in a small barnicle shell. I couldn't believe it when I saw it smile.gif The Alto comps seem to be a little more outgoing than calvus that I find to be extremely shy.

You could try Leptosomas but make sure they are big enough and also dont expect to get too many fry from them surviving. Maybe rainbows, some people use guppies and let them breed in the tank as live food... Id advise that you keep away from adding another egg layer though because agression can get a bit gnarley.


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