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seachem tang buffer pH too high?


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hi iv been reading profiles of lake tang fish, especially the smaller neolamprologus species and many sites say to set the pH at 8-8.4. but now that i read the seachem lake tang buffer it says it sets the pH at 9-9.4! blink.gif

can someone please explain why this is? are the websites im reading wrong?

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I would guess that the readings you have got from the web sites are what people have breed them at. The lake is 9-9.2 ph at peak breeding times so thats what the Seachem salts are trying to replicate. I think you will find that the fish will breed any where between these settings. I try to set my Tang tanks around 8.9-9.0 as i have wild caught in them most of the time. I have found that KH is more important than the PH and i set that around 15-17 degress of KH or 280ppm.

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Carlos -

IME most Neolamps dont need special buffers. They are hardy fish that breed fine at lower pH's. Lower pH is also more forgiving if you get any filtration problems in the future. For all my Neolamps (and I've bred a few multifasciatus, brichardi, leleupi, hecqui and a range of Julidochromis spp.) I dont use any buffers... I just use an alkaline (calcium carbonate substrate) such as crushed marble or shell grit.

Hope this helps -

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In my experience Seachem buffers will not buffer your water to their maximum PH range with one dose anyway. Say for example my water comes out of the tap with a PH of 7.4 and I want my buffer to crank the PH up to 8.2; now lets say that Seachem (Malawi) buffer is capable of buffering PH up to 8.5. One dose (the recommended 5g for 50 litres or whatever it is) of buffer in a water change will not automatically rocket the PH up to 8.5, it takes repeated doses to reach the desired PH then maintain it. If you're worried about the buffer raising the PH too high, simply do the minimum dose once every few days until you reach the PH youre looking for and then stop. After that the only time you need the buffer is to maintain PH when it begins to drop.

Its really not as complicated as it sounds tongue.gif Hope that helps champ

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