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Spiny Eel


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I walked into the LFS today and found myself continouly coming back to the spiny eel that they had.

I decided to buy myself one and am curious to what i can keep with it. I dont know ne thing on these guys so ne info would be appreciated. the only thing i know is that they will burrow themselves in the gravel.

I am currently keeping him with a GT and he doesnt have ne problems and the LFS guy told me that it is ok to keep him with the GT. I have more of a rocky gravel and was wondering should i change the gravel to sumthing more fine for him to burrow in.

Since i am posting this only about an hour after i bought him i havnt seen him burrow yet, so im not sure if what i have is suitable for him.

The tank is 3ft and as i said b4 he is in it with a GT, and sum Kribs (which i am waiting to sell). The kribs seem to b the ones that actually annoy him. So ne help would be appreciated. Thats if ne one else here owns a spiny eel.

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Spiny eels are IMHO - pretty tricky beasts to keep (I'd recommend a species tank for them)... they tend to get mysterious bacterial infections which stop them eating and subsequently kill them wink.gif.

They prefer frozen/live foods.


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IMHO???? sorry cant think of wat that would mean...but thanks for the info.

so far he is going well in the tank seems to be swimming fine and he aint shy. he likes to be above gravel more than below...but im gonna get some finner gravel maybe even sand just to see if this is the problem. i dont have ne other tanks to keep him in except a 2ft tank which will have some other fish in soon. but im still thinking of putting a few spiny eels in there.

Hopefully me and a few other members will b putting a post up to find out more info on these fellas. so that if ne one would like to keep them then they will know how to look after them... this is in the newcastle forums so if ur a member feel free to post ne help would b appreciated.

thank you

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gadday Aidos

IMHO = In my honest opinion

As for the eel, they make a nice addition to a community tank, as long as the fish are not too small. I had a spiny eel for about 2 years, during which time he was almost always buried in the gravel, coming out only at night when the lights went out. I had to had feed him earth worms because he was too stupid to find the food himself, or maybe just too lazy lol... Just make sure that you keep all filter inlets and outlets well covered as well as making sure that the lids are on with no gaps. I cannot stress this enough, as i lost my eel when he swam into the inlet of the filter and was carved up by the impeller... not a nice site...

Anyways mate, hope this helps


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Well from the past few days of obsveration my ell has been going fine. He comes out whenever food is put into the tank...mainly when the blood worm is put in. That is the only thing i have seen him eat. My GT is startn to get a bit more agressive now. When the eel moves to his area he will sumtimes chase him away, but other than that he is fine. He comes out for a swim occasionally.

After all my luck with this guy i thought i would get another 1. So i went to the lfs shop and got one which was prob 3-4cm bigger and alot thicker. He didnt act the same way as when i introduced the other 1 and it didnt feel the same. Any ways i left this morning to school and he was in there and when i came home i found him on the floor. The liitle bugger had jumped through the gap where my cor for my heater comes out, on the lid where they cut the corner off. I had him for less than 24hours. So i guess the better option is to buy the smaller ones so that the other fish dont feel a threat and wont chase him. That way they find their own space and stay in the tank.

If ne1 nows of what other foods they eat besides bloodworm that would be nice thankyou.

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Hand feeding earth worms as already stated makes a interesting bond.

Not that i can prove anything but doing so seems to add the correct vitamins for their immune system.

Ones i have fed earth worms to seem to live longer than ones fed processed foods.

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