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Steveni flicking


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I currently have a breeding colony of Protomelas Steveni in a 5 ft tank - there are 4 males (2 fully grown and 2 juveniles) and 11 females from hal to full grown. I notice that a number of them flick on the sand reasonably regularly. I have examined them closely and can see no evidence of any parasites, and apart from this flicking they are robust and healthy and look really superb.

My tropheus used to engage in this sort of behaviour occasionally and they were very healthy, and as far as my research proved, this seemed to be a part of their natural behaviour, but it is unclear to me whether the same can be said for Steveni. I am at al loss as to what to do. Do I treat them for parasites (perhaps unnecessarily) or do I assume this is just a part of their natural behaviour?

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Fish will "flash" on objects every now and again whenever they have some form of irritation. This could be anything from a change in water conditions, to a parasite, or even silly things like having a sinking pellet touch them (my green terror goes nuts whenever he gets touched by a pellet).

Keep checking for parasites on the gills and on the body and make sure your water conditions are nice and stable. I wouldn't medicate without having a definite reason. If they start showing signs of stress, then you can look at taking further action.


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