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Honey gourami


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Hi Guys -

Saw a pair of honey gourami at a LFS recently. Can someone tell me are they easy to breed? Do they form strict pairs? Minimum tank size?

Considering having a go at a non-cichlid :).

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I've heard they can be a bit sensitive to water conditions, they need specific pH and what not but compared to cichlids they should be tough. I think a pair will spawn in a 2', standard bubble nesters.

They look pretty but i've got a prob with the colour tone, looks to gold for me. I ended up getting half a dozen Sparkling gourami, they get to about 2-3cm and the lot of em live in a 2' community, they are trying to build tiny little bubble nests!

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Definitely go the Honey Gouramis - we had them years ago and they're really rewarding little fish. We did manage to breed them successfully, and we weren't that experienced as fishkeepers then, so I don't think they're too difficult. You don't often see them around - the pretty blue or red dwarf gouramies are more popular, so you don't see as many honey gouramies around - it'd be nice to see someone keep them going.

We also had some of those blue dwarf gouramies (forget their name) but always found the Honey Gouramies were hardier, the blue ones being prone to getting ulcers on their bodies.

I think we had our pair of Honey Gouramies in a 2ft planted neutral water tank, they bred several times (watching them spawn is really cute - they appear to "faint" after each release of eggs and milt, both fish kind of float down to the bottom in a daze, when they almost hit the bottom they suddenly wake up, swim off and start the process again). We didn't get many fry surviving, but then we didn't make any big efforts to seperate the fry off into a fry saver or anything. The ones that survived were ones that hid in tangles of thick plants.

So tempted to try them again!


Jess and Julian

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I love honey Gourami aswell, id give them a go aswell if i had the time and space. I think the key for most labrynth is stable water conditions, especialy when you have fry. I think that higher temp would trigger spawning and keep fry in higher temp to stop them getting diseses such as white spot (29 Oc). In terms of the adult fish it is very important to condition them for at least 2 weeks with high protein foods in order for them to survive spawning and for strong healthy fry. Gourami fry are tiny and stay that way for some time, they are very slow growers but have large broods of 100+. Fry will need live food such as vinagar worms, BBS, Micro worms because commertial fry foods are not high enough in protein. Well im sure theres more info i could give ya but cant think of any more at this point in time.

Anthony :p

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Guys and Gals -

You've sold me. I am trying to convince my other half that a 3x18 planted tank would look very nice in the living room.

Now, where did I put those flowers?

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