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Maylandia estherae


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arent they referred to or at least in Ad Konings Book Metriaclima estherae otherwise known commonly as pulu points or red zebra. Have only seen a few here in Melbourne. They are not as common as electric yellows but in Sydney you should have no trouble getting hold of some at a good price too.



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Hi all

I am no expert in this however I keep pulu point zebras

Pulu point zebras are a line breed aquarium strain of the estherae and should be kept seperate from stocks like tangerine zebras who are also passed up

as estherae in the retail shops

The main difference between the pulus and tangerine is colour in the pulus

are a more stronger orange and the fish also has a red eye

I hope this clears up your enquirey



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so i take it they are quite common , but what about the average price for a adult pair?

i would get a few more females...

I kept one male before and he was quite aggressive, dunno if it is the species itself or just the male that i got.

Hopefully someone can clear that up for ya.

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What you are asking about is the Tangerine Zebra (I think). Not sure if they are comon or not but I got 4 from someone about 7-8 months ago.

I am thinking of selling the 2 pairs. If you are interested please PM me.

Here is a pic. of mummy holding.

user posted image

Sorry for the PIC. quality.


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The male is still a very light tangerine color but the anal and dorsal fin are slightly blue. I think when the males in full maturity it will be light blue in color.

The females are much deeper colored.

I'll try to get more pics to you.

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I had some Tangerine zebras a few years ago but they certainly were not as colourful as those pictures at the top. In fact, mine did not colour up much beyond the pale orange colour they were when they were fry. I still see Tangerines in the fish shops around Canberra but with all the other more colourful Mbuna getting around I would be surprised if the sold many of them.

WRT aggression, my Male was very aggressive and would chase any fish in the tank. It didn't take him long to harrass the other male to the point where I had to remove him. When I first got the Tangerines, I had some adult Peacocks and Electric Yellows and the juv zebra would still beat them up even though they were more than twice his size.

I would however, be interested in trying them out again if they coloured up like the pictures at the top.


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