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Help Needed


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Hi All


Set up 6x2x2 Tank mainly Malawi Cichlids.

Help needed around 9 months ago I lost at least 8 cichlids, one died , a few days later another went and so on. Fish looked healthy then suddenly within days became sick then despite various medications use of Epsom Salts a week later I would lose, then I noticed another with onset of same symptoms. Finally thought I got rid of what ever disesase I had.

9 months later, in last 2 weeks I have lost 2 cichlids. Have two below with symptoms I know taht I will most likely lose.

First one is swollen, skin on one side only has white patch, lethargic sitting on bottom of gravel and wont eat.

Second one is still eating and acting normal, but in last few days has gotten all swollen, will become progressively worse.

Has any one got any ideas on what the heck these cichlids may have and if so what is best treatment.

My water conditions are all good, and in normal range for cichlids.


Thanking all in advance



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Hi Chappells  welcome to ACE  :raisehand:

the fish are bloated this usually this comes from feeding too much of the wrong food

for the fish's digestive system

what have you been feeding them and how often ?

Metronidazole based drugs are usually used to treat this but when it is at this stage injection the drug

into the stomach cavity would be the most efficient way to introduce it

Andrew at Labyrinth in Campsie  would be a good place to visit, give him a call 8068 4853

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