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Please help diagnose sick fish.


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Hi all,

I recently purchased a pair of brichardi and one has gotten sick.

I went to the lfs to get my water tested and ph was little low (7.0) and nirates were also high,

but have been able to kinda fix that with frequent water changes and kh buffer.

After that fish started eating again and looked like it was going to recover, but today i noticed he was not eating again and was getting bullied by other fish.

(Only have the pair in this tank and the other fish is fine.)

Can someone please help me out ive research a bunch on the internet but have not been able to diagnose it, any help would be much appreciated.

Todays water parameters-

- pH =8.0

- Temp = 26c
- NH3 = 0
- NO2 = 0
- NO3 = 20ppm

Here are some photos i took today. (i think the torn fins was from the other fish attacking it so i have him separated)





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Second pic,,,, is that a reddy pink color sore or lesion just behind the pectoral fin starting to show ?????

If so,, you may have some type of bad bacterial issue (gram negative bacteria),,,, which seems to be common these days.

Usually a result of filters not being cleaned often enough or to much waiste in tank.

I personally believe that low KH and PH contribute to gram negative flourishing.

Salt and Other bacterial treatments, will help a bit,,, but antibiotics like 'Metrodizinole' or 'dimetronidazole' will have greater and faster turn around for success.

Gram negative bacteria outcome is internal and external infection,, so if it goes for to long, it may become to far advanced to treat and fish will be destined for death,,,,, 'DFS' dead fish swimming.

Probably need more info on your regimes of fish keeping, like water changes and filter cleans.

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