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quality apistos


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St George Aquariums for sure mate. Last I checked, they had...

A. trifasciata

A. cacatuoides "sunburst"

A. bitaeniata

A. sp. "Alacrina"

A. borellii (F1 German)

A. viejita

A. pandurini

A. nijsseni

and probably one or two others that I can't call to mind.

I bought a pair of trifasciata and within a week I had fry from them!



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Fishchick Aquatics in Brisbane, although we currently don't have -that- much.

During good periods of the year we have at least 10 types of Apistogramma available, generally wild, and not your typical aquarium strain agassizii/cacatuoides.

Edit: Just read the subtitle was looking for Sydney only.

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Fishchick Aquatics in Brisbane, although we currently don't have -that- much.

During good periods of the year we have at least 10 types of Apistogramma available, generally wild, and not your typical aquarium strain agassizii/cacatuoides.

Edit: Just read the subtitle was looking for Sydney only.

So true you could always ship them down as it costs next to nothing like I have. The last lot I got were triple reds cacs (although they might be sunburst as he has solid orange finage) but really nice fish. I got them about 6 weeks ago and it was freezing down here and they arrived safe and sound to the door overnight. I have also gotten some triple red agassizi in the past and they were nice fish.

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Jodi-Lea at Fishchicks has very good quality fish and she is an expert in sending fish interestate.Ive mainly got her wild type bettas but most have spawned in a few weeks and are exceptionally healthy.I believe their apistos are similar quality and often wild caught

I can recommend them and saves alot of driving

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  • 2 weeks later...

i purchased what was thought to be two pairs from st george. one borelli and one alacrina. turns out im 90% sure i have been given 4 males. not too fussed with the borelli as they were mainly for display anyway. however the alacrina we were hopeful of breeding as we picked the largest and smallest. does anyone think st george would have a problem with swapping one of the alacrina for a possible female?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i purchased what was thought to be two pairs from st george. one borelli and one alacrina. turns out im 90% sure i have been given 4 males. not too fussed with the borelli as they were mainly for display anyway. however the alacrina we were hopeful of breeding as we picked the largest and smallest. does anyone think st george would have a problem with swapping one of the alacrina for a possible female?

Hi there

I breed apistos and other dwarfs and would be interested in swapping

do you still need to swap your male alacrina for a female ?

I have a wild caught alacrina female and will swap .

1 female for your male.

cheers wayne


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