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injured afra


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hey people i need some help on something!!!!! my gold crown blue afra was digging and a rock fell on him sadsmiley02.gif lucky anough i found him under the rock and took the rock off him,he was a liitle stirred up. is there anything i can do so he is not stressed out plz help thanks wink.gif

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Did he sustain any physical injuries that you can see? If not then the only thing that I would do is to drop the lights on the tank and just watch out for any signs of him going down hill. Not knowing how bad his injuries are that is the only advice that I can give. Could try some stress coat in the tank if you have any but I wouldnt try to catch him for hospitalisation unless he is looking bad as this would only stress him out more.

Hope this help!


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Yeah, if he's not injured in anyway then just leave him be, don't disturb the tank as much and let him settle down.

You're just lucky you found him. I love my male krib as a rock fell on him and i didn't notice. Devastated. I now always count my fish twice when i feed them to make sure they're all there eating.

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