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highs and lows


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why do we torture ourselfs with this hobby, saturday morning one of my venustas looked ready to spit, so get the wife to hold the net at the other end of the tank and out she comes(the venusta not the wife)into the cosy little 2 footer and she spits! 40little miniture venustas little green stripes and everything, (high) go out to watch my son play footy but cant wait to get home to check on my babies,eventually get home ,rush out to the back room---ALL DEAD!!!! sadsmiley02.gif (low)wife says "dont worry theyll breed again- and leave her in a bit longer next time".but im stll a bit fed up-------until-------i get home last night and 2 of the devils have dug a big pit next to a rock and they both have tubes hanging out(one thick and one thin) rolleyes.gif so my figers are well and truly crossed,and remember however down you are something good will come your way. thumb.gif

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OK here's some highs and lows.

Ps aurora mouthful - high

Ps auora swallows 2 days later - low

Get the day off work early on friday and buy 6 blue occies - high

buy some more ps aurora - high

1 occie dies after a water change as well as 3 N.Multis (don't know what the heck happeneed) - low

In the meantime I'm witnessing baenschis spawning - high

2 days later baenschi swallows - low

BN male hanging around pots - high

Gold comps hanging around their breeding shell - high

Its better than a roller coaster ride - hehehe

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