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On sunday I was in one of my LFS buying some bits and pieces when this little girl (I'd say about 4) came in with her mum and a very dead goldfish in a jar.

The girls said to the bloke behind the counter "my fish isn't well and mum thought that we should bring the water to you to see if that is making my fish ill" The bloke smiled at her and asked if he could take a look at the fish, he took the jar and disappeared 'out the back'

About 5 mins later he reappeared with the same jar, a very alive fish and a bottle of water conditioner.

He said to the girl that indeed the fish was very sick but he had managed to save it and that the water was making her fish sick, because its bad to put straight tap water in your tank when you do a water change.

The little girl was delighted that her pet 'wasn't dead'. The LFS man spoke quietly with the mum giving her instructions for the conditioner, she wanted to pay for the replacement fish, but the LFS woudln't hear of it.

I know its only a goldfish, but this kind gester made this little girls day and put a smile on the faces of everyone around!

Its nice to know that the human spirit is still alive and well.

Anyways thats my story for the day... back to work thumb.gif

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the original dead fish wasn't even from this particular pet shop - it was purchased from a generic pet shop in some local shopping centre, she had brought it to the aquarium, cos she thought they would test the water correctly, she only brought the dead fish incase the shop could tell her that it was diseased!

So no she didn't do it to gain free fish

"wet blanket removed" wink.gif

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I was of the understanding that only forum sponsers names were to be used.... I don't want to get in trouble!!! I'm very proud of my 0% warn metre

Of course you can say the name of the store.

The only time you can't mention a store is if it's in relation to a product they are selling (unless it's a sponsor) or if it's to say something bad that could be considered defamatory (and get a member in strife).

I don't know why people get so confused about that huh.gif

If a person or shop does something good by the hobby, of course we'd like to know who they are! wink.gif

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Send the name to me in a PM Hoges I will post the name in this thread...and if any of the Mod's give me a warning for posting it, over such a positive story, they will have more to deal with than I will. 

I am sure I will sleep soundly.

Nice timing Maz laugh.gif

Not too sure why you'd post a challenge like that, but bring it on if you really want to blink.gifhuh.gifwink.gif

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I knew you were joking Maz, hence the "wink" at the end. smile.gif

I agree, maybe it's something to do with these new emoticons, but sometimes the correct emotion is hard to get across. We didn't seem to have the problem with the ezboard emoticons blink.gif

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hehe...wink, wink, say no more!! woot.gif

I don't think it is an emoticon thing Andy.

I know that I have, on one or two very odd occasions zipit.gif , got upset with people over stuff posted on forums. But then some one said something to me that made me change my whole attitude to these things(as some of the older posters who have been around can attest to) and I have endevoured to help when I can in anyway I can.

You set a fine example for me too Andy, that I have passed on...when it comes to sharing fish with money not being an issue. wink.gif

I can't quite remember how the little saying went but, to paraphrase...

Argueing on the forums is like competeing in the special olympics. One of you might win gold but you are both still retarded.

no offence to any retarded individuals out there...or any paralympians. rolleyes.gif

So in sumation...LOL

I just say what I've got to say. Don't read between the lines just read the word. cool.gif

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Argueing on the forums is like competeing in the special olympics. One of you might win gold but you are both still retarded.

LOL, my housemate said that and his little brother attached it on his signature but was told to take it down as it was deemed offensive. There were a few other offensive ones that were pretty bad as well LOL.gif All this was before the warn meter though.

And does anybody know the name of the shop?



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