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silver aro damaged


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my silver has leaped out of water and smashed its head against glass, a few scales fell off and now they've regrown back the colurs are a bit different, a bit darker.

will this at all change colour and blend in with all his other scales or will it stay darker?

im keeping it with:

5x frontosa 7bar

2x gold spot pleco

2x tinanti

my question is in the future when my aro gets big, would he eventualy eat all my fish or will he leave some alone

can a silver aro live in 8x2x2 comfortably, im just thinking it might not be wide enough for it to turn around when his big, on the other hand he looks quite flexible


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Hey Willy

In my opinion, 2ft wide is no where near wide enough for a silver. It would be fine for any other Arowana, but unfortunately not a silver.

The tank should be at least 3ft wide, and, even better would be 4ft, however, i realise this is not economically and realistically justifiable for most people.

You might have to move your silver onto bigger accommodation later on.



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the scale colour would blend back to its original colour - its just a matter of time

generally the bigger they are the longer it takes to heal - for anything.

put some salt in your tank its good and cheap

i think that tank size is okay, ive seen silvers in a 4x2x2, but it stunts their growth... maybe an 8x3x2 is better. Basically the bigger the better when it comes to aros

and it wont eat your fish as long as it wont fit in its mouth like goldfish feeders do

but keep it well fed, if not it might be aggressive to your tankmates

cheers dude


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I had my silver in a 4x2x2 for 2 yrs and he is now about 60cm, in a bigger tank now. It depends how it was brought up................I've kept discus, small red parrots and small oscars all 5-6cm and angel fish with the silver when it was 30cm. And I had no issues I guess when the tank is populated it does help.

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i dont think i can get wider tank unless i buy a house with double door.

thnks for advice everyone.

i find it kind of weary every now and then cause he tends to go down the bottom and follow the fishes around,

maybe one day ill find missing fishes, hope not

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