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are these readily available?


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Hi guys,

I've been perusing Plant Catfish, and 2 fish have caught my eye that i would like to know if they are available in Australia.

Firstly, the Startlight Bristlenose, AKA L183, officially known as Ancistrus dolichopterus.

Secondly, the Humpbacked Dwarf Pleco, aka Bumblebee dwarf pleco, officially known as Lampiella cf. gibbora.

If they are here, is anyone breeding them?



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L183,,,Ancistrus dolichopterus (Used to be A hoplogenys) is refered to in Europe as the "White seam bristle nose",,, Similar to what we call Peppermint bristle nose but when adult, retain the white border to the dorsal and caudal evident in our peppermints as juveniles.

The "starlight bristle nose" is L182, Ancistrus punctatus. L071 and L181 may also be the same species as this, and it is possible that this is what we call "peppermint bristlenose" but the jury is still out on that one.


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