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MikeWs Fish

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pretty much any ratio works well. too many factors to give only one answer. it depends on size of the tank, species of fish, and also the level of aggression. I have anywhere from 1:2 ratio to 1:15 ratio with my mbuna. given the variance there you can see there is no hard and fast rule.

best thing to do is just try different combos and find out what works for you

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You get more mouthfuls depending on if the females have produced eggs or not and if the male is ready to breed (which is usually always the case). Obviously if the whole colony is sexually mature, you'll get more mouthfuls with more females

As for the size of mouthfuls.... it would depend on the agression of the male. If you have only a few females and the male is ready to breed, he could chase and stress out the females that already have mouthfuls causing them to swallow some if not all eggs.

If you have an extra tank running, you could remove the females with mouthfuls and put them in there or in a fry saver (after 10-14days of the mouthful) so that the males don't stress them out and let them spit them out in there. I'll strip the females if they start looking too weak or get too skinny.



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i have also found that with some mbuna species that they benefit with 2 males in the colony. This way the dominant male is always pressured to colour up and want to breed with the females although some species do better with just the one male. I think you just have to experiment and work out whats better for your colony.

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i'm definitely gonna put my colony of aurora in a 4 fter. at the moment of have a colony of 8 1m and 7f in about 125L of water. The females keep swallowing and im getting pretty frustrated with the situation. Hopefully with more water and a longer tank they'll be better off.

The thing is, i will have 7m and around 14 females very soon. I'm not sure how many males to put in the 4 fter with the girls and how many to keep spare. Does 21 auroras in a 4fter with a 2:1 F:m ratio sound alright?

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Thats right. thats exactly what has happened. there is big discussion amongst the four biggest males exactly what is going to happen - lol. I'm thinking that i need to swap 3 of the males for girls. that way there is 4m and 17f with 6 more wilcaughts growing up ina fry saver to strengthen the bloodlines in the future.

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