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Elec blue and yellow questions


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Hey Everyone

I know to breed elec blues u have male and female but what do i need to breed elec yellows (e.g 1 male and 4 females).

Now i know that they are mouth brooders but can i have a pleco or bristle nose catfish in with them because of their eggs and stuff or is that no go.



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hi Meredith

you can have a colony of yellows and electric blues and bristlenose and or a pleco . A colony consisting of either one ore more males , with the electric blues usually the dominant male will be the one thats coloured up the most, so i have found in my experience. Your colony size will depend on how big your tank is.



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I have one male and two female elec blues with a large pleco and a male bristlenose. The elec blues continue to breed every month with bigger spawns each time. I did have to remove a second male as he was being beaten up by the dominant one.

I have not kept elec yellows.



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Electric yellows usually like more females than males ,the extra males distract the dominant male from harassing the females with mouthfuls. They (the males ) tend to just usually dance and perform in front of each other and not do too much damage.Male El Blues in my experience can be very hard on other males and it is better to have only one with about 4 or more females.

With the bristles ,I lost several spawns of C.Moori, C.Azeurus and other Malawis when I put them in a tank that had also some breeding bristles. The adult bristles seemed to enjoy the sleeping fry as late night suppers. mad.gif

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Hey People

First of all thanks for the replys and all really good stuff there.

One more thing but i have a 4ft tank and want to keep elec blue and yellows so how many and what setup do u think i need meaning fish setup.

e.g 1 male elec blue 2 females

1 male elec yellow and 3 females

Do u think that is good

Meredith thumb.gif

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