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what dwarf can i breed in a 40L x 25W x 27H


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I got a spare small octagon tank sitting in my room doing nothing. Its 40 cms long 25 cms wide and 27 cms high. I wanted this tank to be heavily planted. I was wondering what dwarf cichlid can I breed in this tank. Bolivian Butterflies are they too big for this tank?

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If by breeding you mean adding a pair and removing the male after eggs have been laid and removing the fry to another tank to grow out then yes you could. If you mean a tank for mum, dad and the babies to live in happily ever after then I wouldn't recommend it.

I saw a guys fish room the other day who was spawning Apistos in a tank that couldn't have been much more than 10L. It was connected to a large filter system which would help but i was still suprised.

I'd avoid the larger and more aggressive species of drawfs such as Pelvicachromis sp. I've never kept Bolivians so I wont comment on that but some A. cacatuoides could work wink.gif wont some?

to be honest though, if you have a number of other tanks I'd recommend leaving it s a QT tank if u don't have one.


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Thats a pretty smal tank lil, you could probably get away with a pair of smaller apistos but it is pushing it if you want to grow out any fry. Check out t ) the krib web site and you should get an idea of what each one looks like at least.

Also check out Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis (same link as above) it may be an option but I dont know exactly what is available to you locally.

Just a tip! small but regular (weekly-ish) changes with good water will go a long way to keeping a tank that small healthy without stressing out your dwarfs too much.

wormboy smile.gif

p.s. Stay away from Bolivians, too big for that tank!

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Top suggestion YeW, I'm sorry I didnt think of it first!

Perhaps some of the other shell dwellers may do just as well (e.g. occelatus, calliurus and sp. margarae) or would they require larger territories per fish than do multis?

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