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Should I remove BN fry


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Hi all.

Well my bristlenose are finally breeding. The male has been guarding eggs in a rock cave for the last few days so I expect some fry very soon. They are currently in a 4 foot community tank with some large Angels and others that might try to eat the fry. Are BN fry easy to catch and eat or should I just leave them in the tank and hope they will hide and not get eaten. The tank is well planted with lots of caves so I am hoping they should be OK. What is the experience of other people?

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In my experience i first found the eggs left in in the cave that had a little opening so that none of my goldfish could get in. i then moved the cave into my 3ft tank and raised em there

gave them lots of room and a saf eplace ot grow up

for my 2nd batch i just left them in the 5x2x2 and there was plenty of spaces to hide i found few dead in my filter but i see the ocasional little fish 1cm

i think they owuld grow much faster in a tank of there own tho

so i think you should separate

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i agree (though some of my mates wouldn't) relocate the father with the eggs into another tank and make sure the filtration is good i.e. throw in an airstone or something. my way of thinking is that when they hatch they will be alot harder to catch...believe me. alternatively, you may want to see how they do in the 4footer without any human interferance.

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Yeah I would prefer to let them stay in the four footer as it is such a lovely setting that they would love it (as their parents do) but I would also like to be able to grow some up to sell. Maybe I will leave this lot in and see how they go (if they are able to outswim and hide from the Angels) and if I have no luck, then the next lot will be removed.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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Angles will certainly eat bristlenose fry if the can find them. But, if there is plenty of cover in the way of rocks, logs, plants etc..(particularly what is refered to as Java Moss), you will be surprised how may little BN escape notice and grow.

I have had hundreds grow up in various cichlid tanks where the bristles were just put in there as glass creaners


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