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Some good dwarf cichlids


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Depends on the maturity of the tank and your water changes schedule.

I highly recommend Microgeophagus altispinosa (Bolivian Butterflies) as a beginner fish. Very hardy (i.e. hard to kill!), lots of character and quiet easy to breed. Still one of my favourite fishlies of all time.

There are also lots of imported Microgeophagus ramirezi (Blue Rams) about at the moment. Slippery's had about 4 varieties when I was down there a efw weeks ago. They are nicer to look at but don't seem to be as hardy in my limited experience with them

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2 votes for Apisto Cacatuoides, if you can some decent ones. Thhere seem to be a lot of deformed ones going around in Melbourne LFSs.

I think they might be better in the small tank than kribs as they are only about half the size when fully grown.

Bolivians would good too, and I have to agree with avoiding the blue rams. I bought some really good looking ones but 2 have died, probably due to the dominant male driving them nuts with constant harassment. And that is in a 65g tank!. He is ready to jump out of the 10Gal time-out tank I have him in temporarly.

Just my 2c worth.


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Yeah they are commonly available for an apisto. Good stores tend to have them more often than not, at least here in melbourne anyway. I'd be happy to sell you some but I assume melbourne is too far to come for you. cool.gif Some of the Sydney ppl will be able to point you in hte right direction.

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i am currently keeping apistogramma aggassizis, cacatuoides, blue heads, and macmasteris out of those i reccommend the first two.

kribensis are also good and relitively easy to breed.

i have not bread my aggies yet.

if u want apistos in sydney a good place to go is manly aquarium world cause you can order sevel genus of apistos from there thumb.gifwoot.gif

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i have just gotten into kribs - breeding albinos with non-albinos.

they are funny little fish, great colors, and easy to care for.

the reason i like them is that i can get away with a good aquascaped planted tank and still have fishies happy and breeding in there.

I will posts picks one day, and you'll see what i mean about the planted tank.



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I agree, Apisto's are cool, but I've seen a few with deformed mouths here in Sydney too. Did see some nice "sunburst" in slippery little suckers the other day though.

Kribs have so much character, and are pretty hardy too. But watch out, once mine started breeding, I havn't been able to stop 'em.


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WOW!! Lepper.

Thats a big tank. When did you get that??

Are you sure its not 10ltr.

BEAN!!!!!!!! LOL.gifoops.gifLOL.gif

Yes. 10 Gallons = 35-40 Litres..

10 Litres = 1 Gallon - or there abouts..

HTH.. BEAN!! tongue.gif

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