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My Green Horse Face Breeding Team (Satanoperca Leucosticta)


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Congrats Micway, could you tell me the size of your fish and what are your water parameters?  i have five of these in a 5x2x2 planted tank with one only OH tapajo, the Leucosticta are around 150+mm the smallest being 110mm.   So far i have not seen any sign of breeding behavour and am wondering if my tank conditions are not at the required PM's.  Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Thanks Fisho43,

The Green Machine as I call them lol are kept in a species only standard 5 Ft tank. The water parameters I have played around with a lot but with PH 7.2 and GH between 4-6 ( very soft) Temp 28 is where I have struck it lucky. So now I have a dedicated rack just for Geo's. The second 5 Ft house the Steindachneri (Red Hump) which they are also thriving and breeding in these conditions also. The tanks are bare bottoms with no substrate and holy rock and driftwood decorate the tanks. In the group of 5, The 3 females average size around 140mm and the 2 males between 160-165mm. My water changes are a bit over the top:) I do a 15% water change every second day with a 50% once a week as these buggers like fresh water. And lastly once a week I like to feed a little blood worm.

Thats everything I do for the Geo's. It might not work for everyone but it's working for me.

Hope it helps Fisho




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  • 4 weeks later...

looking good, well done on breeding them.

do you have texas holey rock? doesn't that harden the water and raise PH? i may be wrong

also, why no sand or fine gravel? they are earth eaters after all and it's a big part of their natural behaviour, including when breeding. I'm not having a go at you... just curious. Obviously they are happy because they are breeding but i have never kept geos without at least a fine later of sand for them to sift. 

Your water change regime sounds perfect to me. very similar to what i did with geos. 

keep up the good work, i love seeing leucos being bred.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
On 3/1/2016 at 8:00 AM, Micway said:

Just thought I would share some pics of my Green Horse Face Geo's. (Leucosticta)

Already 2 batches of fry and going strong!



Gday Wayne, been a while since you posted about these, did you have any success with raising the fry? very interested to hear how you went with them.   Thanks Gary.

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  • 2 years later...
21 hours ago, Mattvince said:

Is there a reason why i can't see any of the images people are commenting on. I'd love to see peoples set ups in regards to breeding Green Horse Face. CHeers Matt

Generally most users on the forum use an external hosting service e.g. Flickr and Photobucket and link to the images.  If the image is deleted or the account with the hosting service is closed you won't be able to see the images anymore.   In this case it looks like the OP edited the post back in 2017 so he possibly removed the link to the photos.

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