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WC Ikola (Cyphotilapia Gibberosa) Advice


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Hi all,

just looking for some info on keeping WC Ikola fronts ( or any other cichlid actually ). I have come across a beautiful little colony of Ikola Fronts that are certified WC and am 90% sure that I will take them, but, I just wanted to know if there is anything specific I should be doing different or looking out for as opposed to buying tank bred Fronts? 

Any advise would be great.


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first questions I would ask are what water parameters are they in and what are they being fed


WC need conditioned water IMO so there is correct kH and gH  and this should get you pH over 8.0

Frontosa/Gibberosa are piscavores and require a high protein feeding,

if you feed a pellet as staple a marinara mix addition conditions the females better for breeding also


Lloyd Ashton and Damo run a Frontosa specific website http://frontosafanatics.com.au with lots

of good info


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Thank you so much for the reply. I will ask about all of the above when I go in tomorrow, he's had the shipment in for a few weeks and has had a lot of interest in them and awaiting my decision. Looks like a fantastic website for Frontosa info so thank you for that too.

I have a pair of Burundi Fronts thriving in another tank atm and was just wanting to know if the wild caught Ikola are any diff to look after than the Fronts I already have. 

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Thank you so much for the reply. I will ask about all of the above when I go in tomorrow, he's had the shipment in for a few weeks and has had a lot of interest in them and awaiting my decision. Looks like a fantastic website for Frontosa info so thank you for that too.

I have a pair of Burundi Fronts thriving in another tank atm and was just wanting to know if the wild caught Ikola are any diff to look after than the Fronts I already have. 

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