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Hi guys,

Would I have any issues mixing yellow labs, salousi, and rustys together? Let's say about 10 of each in a 600 litre display tank all around the same size?

Issues could be aggression or inter breeding I'm guessing but I will have a fair amount of hiding spaces etc.



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The quality of saulosi can be a bit hit or miss. There were some hybrids floating around last year and the beginning of this year. Make certain you see the parents or at least some photos. If you have any doubts post them here on ACE.

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sorry to hijack the post but same issue was brought up was looking to get some saulosi full grow 9fem and a male is there any thing i should be looking at for quality fish?

same guy is throwing in 10-15cm Fuelborni breeding trio 2 females 1 male same ? applies to above?.

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refer these threads

the problem is the juvenile colour will be yellow but it's not until the males colour that you

see if there is a problem if you don't see the adults

this shows the horizontal bar in the male and indicates hybridization with

we can only assume a Mel interruptus (Johanni)


this shows both hybrid that was around and correct type fish


this classified shows what the males should look like with NO horizontal bar


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Simon if it was me I would walk away

the first 2 pics the fish shows too many narrow bars and has the pale blue patch

behind the eye that Ad Konings commented was a common in the Johanni hybrids

it just seems the wrong base colour too light

the third pic is not of good enough quality to see any features

people can get personal some times if you discredit what they believe they have but

how can anything be fixed if you don't comment

this is what they should look like, you be the judge


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