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Hello all - brand spanking new to Cichlids.


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Hello everyone!

Was recommended to join the forum as this is a great place to start and learn about these wonderful and energetic fish called African cichlids.

I am a long time bristlenose, shrimp and tropical fish keeper and just starting my hobby as a cichlid enthusiast.

At the moment, I have a few electric yellows and cobalt blues to start.

Are there any recommendations on what others to get that may be compatible with them?

Any recommended sellers to get some starter fish from?

Thanks in advance!

(Mods, if this is the wrong area to post this, please move the topic.)

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Hi mate, apart from the sponsor shops, there's the breeders registry, and the fish fs that shows in classifieds.

A lot of African riftlake cichlids are compatible,,,, how far you can go with mixing all depends on tank size and way it's set up (micro territories).

If you back track into photo section, discussion and classifieds, you'll get the gist of who and where the quality lies.


Decent surface agitation.

Keep your KH a good 10-13 using buffers,,, and GH roughly the same.

The rest you should naturally know as your already a long time fish keeper.

Have fun mate, the extreme diversity will keep you glued... :)

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Hi t3v0r0 welcome to ACE :raisehand:

before adding more fish can you advise size of fish already there

plus size of tank and what filtration system

do you have any fish in mind to add

something else you can consider is NSWCS (New South Wales Cichlid Society)

meetings held at Moorebank near Liverpool 7.30pm first Saturday of the month except

Dec and there are 2 major auctions annually held in March and October

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Thanks for the warm welcome.

I have 4 x Electric Yellows, 2 x cobalt blues, 2 x dolphin mooris? (I think)

All of them are about 4cm.

I have a 4 foot tank.

In regards to what fish I would like to have.. not really.... just want some colour and maybe different blood lines to my existing ones.

Definitely considering attending the October meetup. Just gotta beg the Mrs enough to attend. I hear they're usually an all-day affair.

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Thats a nice combo of fish you have in already.

Is that a 4x18x18? Alot of people forget that fish grow so you really have to be mindful of full sized fish. You can put alot of pressure on the ecosystem by overcrowding.

You could also put in a couple of clown loaches and maybe a bristlenose or 2. Loaches and bristlenose make a good cleanup crew and loaches are always active especially in a small group.

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