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Road Trip to Labyrinth Aquarium


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Took a trip down to Labyrinth Aquarium last Sunday as usual Andrew continues to excel in the quality of fish and his knowledge on the subject.

I went to get a bigger canister filter which I did but also the fish started talking to me saying buy me and so I did so much for will power, must admit beautiful fish.

Thanks Andrew for your help and knowledge.

All my tanks are full after visiting so I guess the next step is a few more tanks?? This will depend on the boss or if I can sneak a few past her next time I fly back in from work.



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I haven't been there in such a long time., time for a road trip soon I feel. I got a pair of mustax when I was there last and that was when he first took over so things hasn't changed much from when norm had it. They are still kicking and breeding when I let them.



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Hi Rosco,

Here is the list of fish bought from Andrew:

Inca Stone Fish, chilotilapia rhoadesii, naevochromis chyrsogaster, white calvus, labidochromis caeruleus "Lundo Island" and a few others I will keep to myself 3 different types.

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