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Cycling tank high ammonia


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Hi There

We set up the tank and we were given some bacteria to add by the lfs. We also added 3 electric yellow fry. I planned on doing a fishless cycle but was told this was the best way by the lfs.

They have been fine for the last 5 days eating and swimming all about. I did the water tests and the ammonia is at 1.0 EEEEK Nitrites 0 and Nitrates at 5.0

I know that everything has to spike for it to cycle and I know adding the fish and the bacteria will have caused this to begin however I assume I need to do a partial water change.

What volume would you recommend on a still cycling tank with 3 small fish in it?

Thank you

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in my opinion id prob do small changes of bout 10-15% for the first one then step it up to 25% afterwards

.when ive cycled a tank ive always let it run for a week minimum then add maybe a few bristlenose and thrown in some food.let it run for another week

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