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My surprise fry!

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Ok so I moved housed over the last few days, drained my grow out tank and to my surprise, found fry swimming in what little water was left. Not sure what has been breeding.

Of the larger fish in the tank, it may be the zebra obliquidens, kandango's or albino dragon bloods. The fry are only half a cm to 1 cm and transparent except for some vertical black stripes. This makes me think obliquidens, but I found one slightly larger more robust looking black fry amongst them which I think is kandango.

The largest of the fish in this tank are about 6cm, and have both sexes of all of them. So my questions are:

Any ideas on what is breeding?

The fry are taking crushed flake, but hoe often should they be feeding?

What's with the sole black fry? Who sadly hasn't made it.

And also is there any chance anything maybe cross breeding?

Tank has the above three species, strawberry peacocks, albino electric yellows, and 1 red Rubin.

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It could have been anything breeding with anything. I know my Peacock fry are usually White/clear with darker bars, but seeing as you have two types in there they could have crossed. How did you have a female hold for 305ish days and not notice her holding?

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What makes me think that's not the case is that both are albino species and the fry have dark eyes, I may be wrong but the strawberry's are only 4cm. There are around 10 female obliquiden tho. I have never tried breeding before so I guess I just didn't realise they where big enough and it was happening! Lol I'll be keeping a very close eye on my tank from now on.

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