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April Auction.


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so is any one bring any thing good to the auction

I have a 4ft that has not a thing in is but water lol

I am thinking

I have some Altolamprologus sp. Compressiceps Shell Mbita Sumbu Dwarf fry

thinking of trying to pick out a pair but they are only around 2-3cm

and some Julidochromis marlieri Gombe (Transcriptus Gombe)

and ill try to come up with 1 more thing


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Hi callumsikone

what Paul is referring to Is the monthly meeting of the New South Wales Cichlid Society

that also holds a mini auction at the end of the night

the meeting is held at Moorebank near Liverpool

here is the link for the post in state section


NSWCS also have an Illawarra branch that meets the 2nd Sunday of the month at Kanahooka High

they also have their annual auction coming up 10th May details are also on the link

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