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Some fish getting black spots


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Basically just war wounds from tooth scrapes and scrapes from rock rubs when tussling.

These small abrasions heal then the black pigment occurs in these spots.

Happens a lot with mbuna and aggressive rock dwelling species over territory disputes when in breeding mode or defending territory.

Another thing that happens also but a lot less frequent is spiralina spots,,,, this is a controversial subject, but black spot occur when high levels of spiralina is apparent in diet.

It's been known that on a rare occasion or two that sera-flora solitary fed to fish,,,, this has happened.

Another is a harmless organism that grows under the scale which is said to be the cause of lake spots of wild caught frontosa and in the wild.

Though quite debatable as some say it's conditions in the lake from bad water parameters in a unfavorable micro-environment situation.

No cause for concern,,, just be observant for other possible problems.

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I have seen this over the years with many different species.

Many wild caught fish I have owned have developed spots.

I currently keeping Demasoni and two females get the spot when holding, I have no idea why it happens but it doesn't seem to harm the fish.

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