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Water smells moldy


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I have had my 4ft cichlid tank for 2 1/2 years. I use an ehiem canister 2215 and have a air bubble thing. I use crushed coral that gets moved around a lot by fish. I have only had a couple of fish die, but from aggression. I change the water every 1-2 weeks about 35%. I have polyfilter in the tank also. I clean out the filter every month. But the water smells moldy. I did a 70% water change today to try and reduce this. Is this smell normal? What can you do to reduce this?


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I am also feeding NLS and have noticed it smells. This seems to be something that has started in the last six months or so. I have been using this food for years.

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No it has had the smell for a while and I only recently used NLS before that it was new era green and hikari but that makes to much cloud. I just wanted to know if that was normal. Whenever I clean the tank and water spills on the room it makes my room smell so it is quite strong. I might take some in next time I go to Andrew's shop.

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