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GH extremely high


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Hey guys was just wondering if anyone else has an extremely high GH. I have sandstone, driftwood, lava rock and a sand substrate i bought from the lfs. I do water changes every week at 30%. My Flamebacks and Electric Yellows are all breeding and i have little baby fish to, from the Electric Yellows. I have 3 Jewel Cichlids that seem miserable, they hide alot and one is always at the top of the tank. I added salt with my last water change. Anyone who has this to or any advice please comment!

PH 7.2

GH 85dkh+ (i say + because i ran out of room in my test tube to go any further)

KH 3dkh

Amonnia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrates 30

Temp 27 (i'd usually keep it at 25 but we are currently in a heat wave)

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I don't think you should be keeping the Jewels with the Flameback or Electric Yellows. Better off keeping the latter two together, but having a separate tank for the Jewels.

Nevertheless, your pH is too low. So, what salts have you been using to get the GH high yet the pH remains low? Are you using any salts at all? If not you should be.

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