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Red jewels


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Good stuff.
It is exciting.
Your about to experience 1 of the joys of keeping cichlids.

Jewels are good parents so you won't have to do much.
2-3 days to hatch.
Another 3 or so as wrigglers while they absorb their yolk sacks.
And then they become free swimming which is when ya feed them.
Crushed flakes into a powder will be fine.
3-4 small feeds a day.
Heaps of water changes for good growth.

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It is very exciting, well done.

Firemouth is right you won't have to do much, jewels are excellent parents so just let them do their job, not sure if you have any other fish in the same tank, but don't worry the jewels will protect their fry (babies).

Good luck with it all and the main thing is.. to Enjoy It !!

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Hi Domooo

welcome to ACE :raisehand: great first post

can you let us know what size tank, what filtration , what tankmates

do you have any spare tanks available

Jewels are great parent and will defend their fry hard

you will have the eggs hatch 2-3 days posts pawn and the parents will

dig pits and transfer the wrigglers into them

once the wrigglers absorb the egg sac they will become free swimming

and that's when you will need to start feeding the fry

grind or finely crush pellets or flake will work, you can buy fry food that is already

ground up Sera and NLS make good quality fry food

use the food and some water to make a paste when feeding as this will sink to

where the fry can get it easier

you can also feed live food from cultures like micro worms and new hatch

brine shrimp when the fry are a few weeks old and large enough to eat these

the fry will also graze the parent body slime and graze on a sponge filter

for micro organisms

enjoy the great parenting skills these fish show :thumbup:

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