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Seachem Ammonia test kit


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Hey me again, cant seem to find any of these in the shops around here as ive heard you need this specific kit to test ammonia when using prime. Can anyone point me in the direction of an online store that sells these if anyone knows of any.

Thanking you


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Hey Chris, ive read recently read on a discus forum that the Seachem ammonia kits are the only ones that actually show true ammonia readings when using prime as water conditioner. Had never heard this before but yea my ammonia levels are coming out at 0 on the API kit just don't want to add fish to my newly cycled tank if im not 100% there is no ammonia. Thanks for the reply mate

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You are correct benno, seachem ammonia test kits will give you the most accurate reading when using prime or safe as your water conditioner

Hard to get...some marine shops keep it

I prefer the seachem ammonia alert disks that stick inside your tank

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Awesome Jim thanks for that mate, ill just grab some of the ammonia disks then. I did actually see them in a shop I was at today, but again no test kit.

Thanks for the help, Appreciate it.

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