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frontosa info

mitchell cluss

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Hi Mitch

Did you get them from a breeder of LFS ?

I'm guessing they will be 6 bar Burundi as these are

the cheapest ones due to being the original species

that was in the hobby

by your reply I guess you're new to fishkeeping, cichlids

or maybe just Frontosa

one of the things that not just cichlid keepers but the

hobby in general needs to do is to know what species of

fish you have, if you can't remember the names then write

them down and keep a data base especially if you want

to breed your fish

you may have read the threads in general regarding buying

some fry that ended up looking to be hybrids and unfortunately

this problem seems to be increasing in the hobby

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Hi Mitch

what size are your fish and do you know if the

male/female ratio

what size tanks and what filtration do you have

what water buffers are you using

Burundi can start breeding around 10-15 cm female

and 15-20cm male

you need pipes or pots one for each fish plus one extra

was the equation I used

they don't light a bright tank so reduce the hours you have a light on them

feed high protein to condition the females for breeding, standard pellets and they will

breed but extra protein like chopped marinara mix will give higher egg count

other than that it's just basic maintenance

a lot of guys like high pH but so long as it is around 8pH and has kH of 200-300 ppm

they should do fine not being wild caught

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