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Sick Leptosoma Kigoma Fry :(


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I keep 3 tang tanks and treat them all the same way, with water changes temp and parameters. However, in one tank, over the past month or 2, I have had one or two lepto fry die every few days and no one seems to be able to give me an explanation. The adults and other fish are healthy and show no signs of anything being wrong.

They are sized up to 6cm and live in a 6x2x2 (foot) tank and are in there with the adult colony of about 12, one white calvus and bristlenose. Its a peaceful tang tank so I don't suspect the fish. I asked the local fish shop and he said ammonia even though I said to him I do a weekly water change so that shouldn't be a problem. When he checked a water sample he said it was a little soft, but again I disagreed that that was the problem as the adult leptos and bristlenose are currently breeding with 1 mouthful and 2 caves with eggs. However I bought some rift salt and have been adding it to all tanks.

My partner suspects worms, and I also think some kind of parasite. We have separated the fry and are treating them with fluke and tapeworm tablets but all that has done is kill the weakest 5 or so within 24 hours. I currently have 6 left as I took another 2 dead out of the treatment tank this morning.

One was swimming only in circles to the left and this seems to have corrected slightly with the fry swimming in more of a straight line although cannot turn right yet. I take this as a good sign, even though theyre still dying.

The ones that have died have shown some of the following symptoms, although it has varied through all of them. Twisted spines, sunken bellies, spots and odd coloured patches on their bellies, eyeballs popped out and lumps and bumps which on one that appeared to have burst with a white puss.

While I have resigned to the fact in going to lose all the fry eventually, I would like to know what you think so that it might be avoided in the future.


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sunken bellies and bent backs could be wasting. They go banana shaped then die. Could be the diet. I have been told NLS is not good for them. So i feed mine flakes and new era only and have not lost any from wasting since changing. Could be cooincedental though

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Hey mate sounds like wastage, noddy did a discussion on it futher down this discussion list under lepto wastage. Be a good read for you mate because it sounds like those symptoms

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