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Stocking 152L (4ft) Tanganyika Biotope


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Hey guys,

Planning on doing a new tank for the dining room, I want to do a Tanganyika biotope, this is what i had in mind so far any suggestions or changes you guys would make?



2x Altolamprologus Compressiceps (1M 1F)

2x Julidochromis Marlieri (1M 1F)

6x Neolamprologus Multifasciatus (2M 4F)

Recommended temperature range: 24 - 25 C.
Recommended pH range: 7.6 - 9.
Recommended hardness range: 10 - 30 dH.

1x Ehiem 2215 Filter
1x Hydor ETH 200w
1x Some form of led light (TBA)

New Life Spectrum: Cichlid Formula

Coral Sand Substrate
Smashed River Rock
Jungle Val

Thanks guys, also can anyone tell me what this is its appearing in my 3 week old tank. (the brown algae)


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Was considering leleupi love how bright they are but ive heard they can be abit aggressive towards shellies, i was thinking of mixing punks with my multis. cant give up my multis had them for a very long time and they are my favorite fish :D

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How do i deal with diatoms will they go away? can i add anymore stock? is the filter sufficient?

It's not uncommon to develop in newly established tanks. It should ease up over time given it's appearance is new tank related.

Your current filtration should be enough for now, if you maintain a consistent water change routine. Personally I would run two canister filters to make maintenance easier. It will allow you to clean your filters on alternate periods. depending on your budget the Eheim Classics are good or if you want something that's more modern and user friendly I would look at the Aqua One Nautilus range which come with a 2 + 1 year warranty. I would also invest in a good brand test kit so you can stay on top of your maintenance requirements and water parameters.

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