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Can you do mbuna in 190L corner tank?


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I'm new to this forum but have been reading great information here. I currently have a 3ft planted tropical tank and I've just scored a juwel corner tank, it's 190l, the straight sides are 70cm and it's 60cm tall. From corner to corner at the front it's 98.5cm. I've never set up a corner tank but thought it would look pretty sweet with a single species, either yellow labs, saulosi or metraclimia msobo. Has anyone kept any of these in the same sort if tank and and it work? Any advice from experienced mbuna keepers would be greatly appreciated :)

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Can easily do a very nice little set up in there mate!(your tank is similar in size to a 3x18")....and it would look real nice in that type of set up(maybe a cave in the back and each front corner(these guys love their "zones!")...just go with the smaller group size(and not the larger mbuna) and I would have a nice little bunch of rocks that give a few caves and you should have no worries..mabye keep a little breeding group just the 1 or 2 boys and 3 or 4 girls...your two boys will always be having little arguments but I find if there is enough escapes and a bit of a cave network its ok and it keeps the tank active(line of sight as they say!)...girls will always be breeding etc..and your dominant male is always displaying(so looking his best)......just downsize/upsize group to suit and get a balance that works!...salousi is a great idea. :woohoo: ..or demasoni would be nice(bit more fiery and would help to have an extra few in there to balance out aggression :rant: ) if you dont mind them... love to see it mate when its set up!! :drooling: ...me personally..I would do a little group of afra hara...very very pretty fish and great in a single species tank...cutest babies in the world..but yeah de_fishie love to see some pics mate once you go with something !

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Thanks for the reply, I like demosoni but thought they might be too aggressive? The afra hara look nice too. Here is the current set up, the tank came with a few gourami and tetras, ornaments and silk plants. I ditched the ornaments and put in some rock but thought I ought to keep the plants for the gourami to feel more at home? I have no idea about them, they quite boring... I've got plenty more of the same rock... What about the gravel, is sand better?


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I would like at something along the lines of Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei"(Msuli) and Labidochromis caeruleus. The Acei and Electric Yellows would make a great contrasting colour and are relatively peaceful species. Iodotropheus sprengerae is another peaceful species.

Alternatively you could set up a single species tank and look at Pseudotropheus saulosi or go with Goldenswimmers suggestion.

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