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Fish euth...an interesting read


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A good read Noddy. Very much focuses on aquaculture but has implications of raising the animal welfare ethics in euthanising aquarium fish.

It is worth noting that the RSPCA recommends the use of Clove oil, which at high doses, can be used to euthanase small fish. 400 mg of Clove oil per litre of aquarium water is sufficient to cause death in exposed fish. Mix it in some warm water and then slowly add to the water that contains the fish. Remember this is not the fish in the fish tank. :lol2: It should take about 10 minutes in which time the fish will lose consciousness, stop breathing and then die.

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It's interesting that they cite 'a number of recent reports' that say fish are better eating if dispatched quickly with minimal stress. I can point to fishing literature 100 years old or more that says the same. ok so maybe exaggerating since I have no idea how old some of the books magazines are - but greater than 50 years old easy.

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