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Frontosa Matchmaking


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So I have four beautiful Kigoma Frontosa who have wild caught parents. Their colors are clear and vibrant. I have one from a fish shop here which is quite dull in comparison. Both the black and white aren't as clear. He has some great fin color though. My thoughts are that I wouldn't want any of my more 'natural' frontosas breeding with the less colorful one, tainting the line so to say. The duller one is also the dominate and biggest one (cant be sure of its sex yet)... I could swap him for a different one I suppose, but the idea was to source them from two different breeders so as to increase likely hood of breeding.

Any thoughts on pairing Frontosas?



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You might find that the fry are fine. Frontosa colour can be variable. I had a wild caught male that would often go dark. It's a mood things as well.

I'd give this guys a chance to see what they fry look like. If you aren't happy with the fry, get another male.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You might find that the fry are fine. Frontosa colour can be variable. I had a wild caught male that would often go dark. It's a mood things as well.

I'd give this guys a chance to see what they fry look like. If you aren't happy with the fry, get another male.

I think you are right mate! The white in him is now much more white. As white as I have seen it. He's boss of an artificial cave I have in tank which he would usually spend the majority of his time in. Lately he has been spending a lot more time about the tank and this has co-coincided with his color change. Quite happy with him now.

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