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Filter issues


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Hi guys, I am currently setting up my aquarium with 2 eheim 2217s as the filtration system. I am using 300 watt hydor inline heaters. I have just started to hook everything up and have realised that when I have the return pipes hooked up too the heaters I am going to have to run the hose past the hole in the back of the cabinet and then back up and down to the canister inside the cabinet. This means there will be a loop in the return hose, is this going to be a drama and reduce flow dramatically?

Any information is much appreciated.

Thanks guys!

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Provided no air bubbles can be trapped around the heater itself, the main issue I guess will be priming the pump. With the loop being in the return pipe, then this maybe a moot point. You might be better having the tubing a bit longer so the excess loop can lay flat rather than being horizontal.

The longer the tubing is, the more bends there are, the greater the impact will be in regards to increasing friction (inside the tubing) which in turn will decrease flow. However, it is better to decrease flow a bit than take a risk, if there is one, that the flow can be stopped with an air bubble. I personally would err on the side of caution and lay it flat and live with the minor decrease in flow, which may not even be perceptible.

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