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just after a few opinions on wether or not xenotilapia flavipinnis will be ok in with a wild colony of cyprichromis leptosoma kekese blue flash yellow anal. the cyps are around 8-10 cm with the xeno's being an adult breeding colony they will be housed in a 6x2x2 and may also have a colony of ectodus descampsi going in with them

the ratios are wild cyps 3 m 10 females

xeno's 2 males 8 females

and descampsi 2 males 4 females

substrate is black tahitian moon sand with 2 piles of texas holey rock 1 of which almost touches the surface of the water the other a little lower around half the tank height

i still want these fish to produce and know that my makola and ndole bays don't mind cyps but i have noticed the cyps going them every now and again

let me know what you think

cheers rowie

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