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calvus fry experement


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Your not alone here. I seem to have the more success leaving from with my gold heads than trying to raise them myself. I usually remove them when they get to 1.5 cm.

But there is always the risk that my and dad will eat them when they next spawn. The way i thought to get around this was to remove the parents and leave the fry in the tank, but i haven't tried this yet.

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The only real success i have had raising 20 or so fry was leaving them with the parents in a 4ft tank male at one end and the fry and female at the other. Not having a great deal of action at the moment. The male has an area he is protecting and chases the females away, had a second male in the tank but the dominant male and female killed him when i was working away.Anyone have any ideas or suggestions.



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Your not alone here. I seem to have the more success leaving from with my gold heads than trying to raise them myself. I usually remove them when they get to 1.5 cm.

But there is always the risk that my and dad will eat them when they next spawn. The way i thought to get around this was to remove the parents and leave the fry in the tank, but i haven't tried this yet.

yeah im thinking about taking the parents out not to sure yet

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i raise all my calvus and comp fry by removing the fry from the parents

i put them into a fry saver (bought from the fish cave ) with a few adjustments so they can't get through the thick black sponge i get them while they still have egg sacks as my parents eat them

i have a survival rate of 99.9% i lost 1 fry out of around 2500 over the last year

and not all from 1 pair i breed sumbu shells, blacks, whites, gold heads, golds, gold face mutundwe and fire fins

i have more trouble with leaving them with the parents as by the time they appear there are only around 50 of them where as when i remove them i get up to 180 fry and having them all breeding in harems it means there is always another male hunting the fry.

best of luck with the whites mate

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could never seem to keep my calvus fry alive... but they would never survive in the main tank so? i dont know what to do next lol good luck with yours

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